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Prayer Resources 境外手机卡大陆漫游 dns 污染问题 - V2EX:2021-3-8 · 宽带症候群 - @trepwq - cmhk 使用了几个月发现有些省 dns 解析 google 会被污染,只有谷歌,fb、tw 都没有发现污染,多次查询发现还是能收到正确的解析,相同情况也被用 cuniqhk 的网友发 … 手机翻国外网站教程 在国内如何访问国外网站和APP应用(Facebook、YouTube ...:2021-12-28 · 本文仅面向小白,大神绕绕路啦;在国内访问非大陆网站和应用时会发生“网络无法连接”,“网络连接失败”等等问题,这是因为国内的政策原因把非大陆网站和应用屏蔽掉了,也就是我伊说的网络防火墙,隔开了我伊跟国外友人交流,这里就不多说了,伍免博主被请喝茶, 哈哈!



To cultivate individual habits of prayer and offer the connection that social distancing has disrupted, we welcome you to join in daily to pray the Offices with us. We pray Morning Prayer at 7:30 AM and Evening Prayer at 4:30 PM. Click here for more details.

Join Morning Prayer
Join Evening Prayer

For those of you connected to our Fullerton Mission, Fr. Kevin leads Evening Prayer with the Litany for Mission at various homes in Fullerton and online via BlueJeans, Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. Click here to contact Fr. Kevin for more information. 

Join North County Evening Prayer


As of June 7th, St. Matthew’s has reopened the church for Sunday services, now at 9:00am in Newport and Fullerton, celebrated according to current guidelines. In order to stay within these guidelines, it is necessary for people to sign up for Mass online by clicking the corresponding image below.

Newport Protocols
Fullerton Protocols


Download the Holy Communion Booklet



At St. Matthew's Church, we believe that the heart of our community is in the life of prayer we share together, the prayers we offer with and for each other. If you have a need for prayer, please let us know here and it will be offered in a weekly time of prayer with clergy and staff. All requests will be treated with great respect and kept confidential.

Submit a Prayer Request



Is it your first time attending St. Matthew’s Church? Welcome! We are an Anglican Catholic Church that observes an ancient rhythm of prayer in community by praying the Daily Offices, partaking of the Eucharist together during Mass, and following the Church Calendar. If you are unfamiliar with this expression of faith, here are a few things we’d like to share with you*:

*Please note that not all of the following information is applicable during the current pandemic

Learn More

What to Expect:

Silence when you walk into the church
We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to enjoy this time of stillness and reflection before Mass begins.

Physical Participation
You might see participants genuflecting (dropping onto the right knee in reverence) before sitting down, making the sign of the cross, kneeling, and standing at different points during the Mass. Don't feel obligated to participate with every physical part of the Mass, you are welcome to try to follow along but can choose to sit and quietly observe as well.

You will be given a booklet that contains every part of the service to guide you through the Mass, indicating when to sit, stand, or kneel, and allow you to read along with corporate prayers and hymns.

We have incense as a part of our 11:00 Mass. If you are sensitive to smells or would prefer to avoid this, we recommend attending either our 7:45 AM or 9:00 AM Mass.

Receiving Communion or a Blessing
Normally, the Eucharist is for those who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and who regularly attend church. If you are a visitor with us today, are baptized and regularly attend a church (but are not confirmed), we still invite you to come forward to receive Communion. If you are visiting today, but are neither baptized or confirmed, we invite you to still come forward and to receive a blessing by kneeling at the communion rail with your arms folded across your chest.

Direction to go for Communion
Our ushers will direct your pew down the center aisle to the communion rail to receive the Eucharist or a blessing. Once you have received, please make your way back to your seat along the outside aisles rather than returning via the center aisle. 

Children’s Ministry 
Nursery Care (10 months- 3 years old, beginning at 8:45am)
Godly Play (3-7 years old, during the 9:00 AM Mass)
Liturgy of the Word (8-12 years old, during the 9:00 AM Mass)

Stepping Out During Service
We understand that the need may arise to step out during a service. If you need to do so (and it is not an immediate need), we ask that you wait until one of these times: 1) during the Kyrie/Gloria, 2) after the Gospel reading, 3) after the Sermon but before the Prayers; 4) during Communion; 5) after the Blessing. 

Length of Mass
The 7:45 am service is approximately 45 minutes, the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services are roughly an hour and 15.


Please take some time to see what we're doing here at the church and out in the community. You're welcome to explore the articles, videos, and guides to prayer that our staff and clergy have put together. New resources will be made available regularly so please bookmark the page and check back often!


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